2018 Swimming Gala

CRC Pool Sun, 6 May - Sun, 6 May 03:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Swimming Gala 2018 Write Ups

Swimming gala 2018 was postponed to 6th May 2018 (Sunday). The event started smoothly with the help of the sub-committee. This year, we have more than 100 members who participated in the event. We thank them for their generous support towards this event.

The event started at around 3pm with the category under-10 at the children’s pool, there were 3 games, Hula-Hula Hoop, Water is Precious and Row Row … Row Your Boat. The kids enjoy playing in the pool and many of them manage to get some vouchers.  

As for Open-10, there were 4 games which are The Incredible Frozon, Number Crunch, T-Socks Relay and Tug Of War. There were a total of 5 mystery gifts in the Treasure Hunt events, each consists of different colour where members are require jumping into the pool, collecting it and redeem for a mystery gifts.

At the end of the Treasure Hunt, members happily went back home with a few bags of collections. The chairman, Mr.Soon Beng Chye hope that there will be more members taking part next year.