The Mid-Autumn Festival was held on Sunday, 16th September 2018 at our CRC field and along the corridor of the old clubhouse.
This year’s celebration was slightly different from the previous years as we co-organised the auspicious event together with the Youth Committee of the Clan Associations, Penang. On top of that, this festival was opened to the public in conjunction with Phrase 3 of the Club’s Membership Drive.
The night began with a ‘lion’ dance in welcoming both the members and public at the open car park. The club’s president, Mr. Yeap Hock Kee together with the President of Clan Associations’ Youth Committee, Mr. Ong Kah Loon gave their respective speeches in opening the festival.
The night was filled with various stage performances, traditional workshops and games, exhibition and lantern making competitions. Food trucks were also available for all to enjoy traditional snacks. The children’s lantern making competition started at 7.15pm and ended at 9.00pm. The children were required to bring their decorative tools to decorate their lanterns according to the given theme. Although the organizer supplied the children with only 5 to 6 paper plates, most of the children were able to exercise their creativity and think out of the box in coming up withimpressive designs that evening.
The VIP guests who attended the event were the Penang Chief Minister, YAB Chow Kon Yeow; the Chief Minister’s Political Secretary, YB Teh Lai Heng and Assemblyman, YB Ong Ah Teong. The Chief Minister also stated that such festival must be organized yearly in order to continue the Chinese tradition among the societies. Overall, the evening marked a memorable and enjoyable one to all members and the public.
“咚 !锵!咚 !锵!”,开放式停车场传来一阵阵的鼓声,伴随着鼓声舞动的是两头红彤彤的舞狮,正在热烈地欢迎入场的来宾们。中华体育会会长,叶福祺先生以及槟州各姓氏青联委署理主席,汪家伦先生以致词开启本年度的中秋联欢会。
本会为这次的中秋联欢会准备了各式各样的主题区,包括有舞台呈现区,古早玩意区,文化展览区以及学术比赛区。此外,位于开放式停车场内设有美食流动车,香喷喷的传统美食正等待着热情的大众品尝。傍晚7时15分,儿童灯笼绘画制作比赛正式开始。参加比赛的儿童们必须依照比赛订制的主题携带所需的道具以便可以制作出创意美观的灯笼。当天,主办当局只为上场的参赛者准备5至 6张的纸盘,但是参赛者都以精明的小脑袋及天马行空的想法制作出让评审大跌眼镜的作品。这场有趣又创意的灯笼比赛在晚上9时正式结束。