Billiard Room

Operating Hours

11.00am – 10.00pm


(1) Operating Hours

  1. The operating hours of Snooker/Billiards Room are as follows: –

Mondays to Sundays : 11.00am to 10.00pm

(2) Bookings

  1. Booking of tables may be made in person at the Members Lounge or Club Office. Members making the bookings are required to produce their membership cards for identification and before they take up their booking on day of play.
  • If a member who has booked a table fails to turn up 10 minutes after the commencement of the period,the Club shall forfeit his booking with full payment and the remaining of the period may be re-allocated to another member waiting for the table at that time at full normal fees.
  • Cancellation of booking up to an hour before the time of play will be allowed. Failure to cancel this booking an hour before commencement of play or by not taking it up, the Club shall forfeit his normal booking fees with an additional penalty of the same amount after the 10 minutes grace period.
  • Members failing to take up their bookings on two consecutive sessions maybe barred from making further bookings.
  • Members are required to sign the booking chits before they play snooker/billiards.
  • Members are also required to give the names of playing partners, indicating whether they are members or guests.

(3) Charges

  1. The booking fee for each table shall be RM5.00 per hour subject to 8% SST.
  2. The Guest Fee for each entry shall be RM5.00 per hour subject to 8% SST.

(4) Children

  1. Children between 12 and 18 years of age who wish to make use of the billiards tables must get the consent of the parent or guardian who is also a member to sign an undertaking to pay for any damages that they may cause to the billiards table or equipment.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted in the Billiards Room at any time.

(5) Guests

  1. Guests using these facilities may only do so in accordance with the Club's Rule Book – Rule 21.
  • Guest must be accompanied by members at all times whilst in the Club premises.
  • The following penalties will be imposed on members who do not sign-in their guests using the Club Sports facilities.

1st Offence

  1. A fine equivalent to five times the amount of guest fee chargeable.

2nd Offence

  1. A fine equivalent to five times the amount of guest fee chargeable and
  2. A letter of warning from the General Committee.

3rd Offence

Disciplinary action to be taken as determined by the General Committee.

(6) Attire

  1. Persons in any wet attire are not permitted in the Snooker/Billiards Room.
  • Running shorts, V-shorts and singlet are not permitted in the Snooker/Billiards Room at all times.
  • Barefoot is strictly prohibited in the Snooker/Billiards Room.

(7) Prohibitions

  1. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Snooker/Billiards Room.
  • No articles are to be placed on the snooker/billiards tables at any time.
  • The Club Staff shall have the right to advise a weaker player against playing on the Snooker/Billiards Table. In the event that the player insists on continuing the game and accidentally creates a cut on the cloth, the said player shall have to bear the cost of making good or replacement of the table cloth.

(8) Food

Only drinks and light snacks (as approved by the General Committee) may be consumed in the Snooker/Billiards Room.

(9) Damage to Property

  1. Any damage to the table or equipment will be charged to the account of the member responsible. Cost of damages will be decided by the General Committee.
  • Any member tearing the Snooker/Billiards Table Cloth shall bear the cost of replacing a new cloth as determined by the General Committee based on the life span of the cloth.